Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Speeding Ticket

So.... I got a speeding ticket today. My first ever.

I was caught on Enterprise Blvd going 60 km/h in a 50 km/h posted zone.
No demerit points. $40 fine.

The officer was a young guy, not much older than me. He discouraged me from going to trail by saying that the ticket was a reduced favor. If this goes to trial, he said he would state that I was going at 76.

Online poll from suggest that this would not impact my insurance premium.

What should I do? Pay the fine or fight it?

1 comment:

Adam said...

i would say it varies... u should call your insurance broker and ask if it impacts ur premium, obviously not telling them you got a ticket.

for me, they told me a ticket is a ticket so i'm in the midst of fighting mine.

sorry to hear that, i got pulled going 57 on a 40, reduced to 45 on a 40. it was the lamest thing ever becase i wasn't even speeding - it just turned to a downhill!

by Mr. Ed